Blog Post Week 14


Why are so many schools becoming STEAM schools?

Can any classroom have a STEM/STEAM focus?

I believe so many schools are becoming STEAM schools because we are realizing the benefits not only of increased math and science instruction, but of the integration of all subjects. Allowing for students to discover and create, to take ownership of their work. Also, as stated in the video, the ability to work with other people is just as important as learning on your own. In most careers, especially those of the future, collaboration is going to be huge. Learning about photosynthesis in science, then performing calculations about that, and finally writing about photosynthesis in English Language Arts not only solidifies that knowledge, but also allows for growth in all areas of education. This learning style leaves infinite room for possibilities.

Any classroom can have a STEM/STEAM focus and I believe that is the future of education. Integration, project based learning, and technology are what will close the gaps for our students of the future and their learning. 

Here is a link I found that takes several school subjects and finds ways to integrate a STEM/STEAM model. 


  1. Thank you for the link first of all and yes 100% agree with you that this is the future and it is why schools are integrating STEM/STEAM in their classrooms. I do see a lot of collaboration and I think it's such a wonderful thing to watch and see how these kids problem solve and communicate with one another. I also agree that collaboration is going to be huge in the workforce. As educators we do collaborate with other educators and possibly other schools. I also believe that by integrating hands on activities not only engages the students but they learn so much from those type of activities vs the boring lectures. I also hope to see STEM/STEAM be integrated in bilingual dual programs because I strongly believe that speaking more than one language is going to benefit the children and their success for the future!

    1. I agree Jacqui and Bethany, STEM / STEAM is becoming very important in today’s world build on innovation and technology. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It is becoming important because it pervades every part of our lives. Science is everywhere in the world around us. Science basically saves humans from becoming extinct due to COVID, our scientist discovered the vaccine that was able to fight this deadly virus that invaded the human body. Engineering is the basic designs of roads and bridges but also tackles the challenges of changing global weather and environmentally friendly changes to our home. Mathematics is in every occupation, every activity we do in our lives. A lot of studies revealed that STEM/ STEAM, PBL approaches to learning anything different than the traditional looking classroom based on teaching basically Math and English can improve the academic performance of all students, especially the ELL’s in our classrooms. STEM provides our students with a well-rounded foundation of skills to help them understand a wide range of concepts and thrive in many industries. Students will collaborate on a project, innovate, integrate technology, and create in an environment free of stress and grading. Students will not be scared to make mistake and don’t get good grades because in STEM there is room for mistakes, for trial and errors. Google discovered that the most innovative creation of their employees were the ones that were done during the employee free time. I truly believe in all these new forms of teaching especially the STEAM and PBL (project-based learning) since it helps create critical thinkers in our classroom, increases science literacy, enable students to innovate and use technology through hands on projects with help and support from peers and staff.

    2. Thank you, Bethany. Thinking of every classroom as a STEAM classroom really resonated with me. I think that is going to be my main take away from this class. I was a writing major, and worked as a professional writer for a number of years, so I've always leaned more towards the Language Arts, but this class (and videos like this) have really made me feel empowered to introduce technology into my classroom, as well. Kids love to tinker with things. They like working together and they like the sense of accomplishment that they feel when they conquer a new challenge. All of those skills are excellent preparation for the job market.

      Most jobs are collaborative and many of them do combine multiple disciplines to produce a product or end result. This is such good practice for students and, as the video demonstrated, it is a more engaging way for students to learn than just having a teacher talk at them.

  2. Thank you for the link Bethany it has some great information!
    I agree that collaboration is a necessity. Students learn from each other and when working together build essential skills they will need throughout school and in their everyday life. Integrating STEAM makes for a more engaging learning environment. Students are not only expected to show their learning through worksheets and tests but they can express their knowledge in a variety of ways. I loved that the video states that it teaches students how to discover answers. It also emphasizes that students are capable. I feel that often teachers give way too much instruction and it does not encourage perseverance. It's great to see how the topic of the lesson can be tied in with all subjects. It reinforces the concepts and allows students to look at the topic through a different lens. I look forward to integrating technology in the classroom and creating an environment that values play, discovery, and collaboration.


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